Welcome to our new blog

Hello and welcome to our new blog. We are Year 6 children who attend Forest Fields Primary School in Nottingham.

Class 6POB

Class 6POB
Hello World!

Sunday 22 November 2015

Class of 2011 Update


I hope everyone is doing well. I've just worked out that you're all in Y10 now and that it doesn't seem that long ago since we were together in Y6. I still look back on that year and laugh - it was great fun and still a special highlight in my teaching career.

So, I'm STILL in Singapore and Head of Year 6. There are 200 pupils in my year group (2000 students in the whole school). All is going well, but I'm excited about coming back to England for the Christmas holidays.

I haven't taught it since we covered Shakespeare in FF, but this morning I worked with my class on Macbeth and understanding some of the key scenes. It made think back to all the other things we did that year and I wanted to write something in here to say hello.

If you wanted to leave a comment saying what you are up to - it would be brilliant to hear back from you.

Mr O'B